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Daniel Mills is a leading academic authority on companion animal behaviour and its management. He has published more than 100 scientific research papers and more than 50 books and chapters. In the documentary, he helps us understand the relationship between owners and their pets.
In the documentary, she shows us how palaeogenetics have helped us understand cat dispersal in the ancient world.
Hipster cat Pudge is an internet celebrity cat known for her flat face and white mustache. With the help of her human, Kady Lone, this feline known affectionately has amassed over half a million followers on Instagram with his art and craft skills.
Former shelter cat turned celebrity, Nala is the most famous cat on Instagram with more than 4.3 million followers. “Pookie” Methachittiphan, Shannon Ellis managed Nala Cat’s burgeoning business empire that includes merchandise (T-shirts, hats, onesies, scratcher, beds) and endorsement deals while also operating a full house of animal influencers.
Archaeologists and biologist at the National Museum of Natural History, research director at CNRS. In the film, he explains how a recent discovery he made with his team is the oldest known evidence of the taming of cats.
Kate Benjamin has been writing about feline design since 2007 and is co-author with Jackson Galaxy of two New York Times best-selling books, Catification and Catify to Satisfy. In the documentary series, she walks us with passion through the basics of Catification: the art of adjusting your home to meet the needs of both you and your cat.
President of the most important Cat Behavior consultant Firm in Canada: Educator, Daniel help us deepen our understanding of cats psyche (and us)! A true cat lover!
Dubbed the “saddest cat on the Internet” due to his worried look and down-turned eyes, BenBen was just one day from being euthanized when he was rescued. Today, the Vancouver-based cat is one of the biggest Canadian pet online with more than half a million followers on Instagram.
Frederic Vitoux, elected at the prestigious Académie Française in 2001, is a novelist, essayist, and literary critic. His English titles include "CATS: an illustrated miscellany, Cats in the Louvre (Flammarion) and Living in Venice (Flammarion).
Britt Collins is writter and English journalist who writes for the Guardian, the Sunday Times, the Independent, Harper's Bazaar, Condé Nast and many more. But first and foremost, she's a true animal lover and advocate of pet adoption.
Daniel “DQ” Quagliozzi is the cat Behavior Consultant behind Go, Cat, Go—San Francisco’s leading in-home resource for modern cat behavior advice and guidance. DQ is a member of the Pet Professional Guild and he definitely lives in the meow.
In 1994 he was appointed Academician of the Cat by the Accademia dei gatti magici in Rome for his body of work. Self-taught painter, in 1980 he began to paint mostly cats, thus becoming an animal artist. In the documentary, you can see in Bernie’s eye that he dearly love cats.
Gretchen was deeply troubled by cruelty to feral cats that she saw in the street of Los Angeles. That’s why she decided to do something about it. Now, like hundreds of other volunteers, she walks the streets of LA at night saving cats and kittens.
Gary Weitzman joined San Diego Humane Society as its President and CEO in 2012. An Air Force veteran, he earned a double BA in Biology and English from Colby College. He was the former co-host of the nationally distributed radio program The Animal House and is the author of eight books published by National Geographic including « How to Speak Cat ».
Back in 1992, Lynea started turning her home and her property into a cat rescue. Nearly 30 years later, Cat House on the Kings is one of the largest no-cage, no kill cat rescue in the world with more than 1000 cats and kittens in residence.
Véronique is the author of many books including « Le temps passé avec un chat n’est jamais perdu », « Les Pouvoirs des chats » and a cookbook for owners and their cats: « Recettes pour mon chat et moi ». She sees cats as therapist and think we should think again about feeding commercial food to our feline friends.
Managers and dedicated pet parents of Britain's Most Famous Internet Cats: The Magnificats. 4-nights-a-week Rocky, Prince, Junior, Ugs, Princess Pixie, Tom, Zeus and Norman. They host live webcasts for their 1.4 million Facebook fans every week.
Accomplished Tattoo artist specializing in cats, or as cat lovers call them « Cattoos ».
Becky Robinson, the president and founder of Alley Cat Allies, is a global leader in the movement to protect and improve the lives of all cats. Alley Cat Allies is working in communities to champion low-cost spay and neuter policies and programs, as well as lifesaving Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and Shelter-Neuter-Return (SNR).
David Teie, a soloist with the National Symphony Orchestra, is on a mission to bring music to the animal kingdom, starting with cats! He recently teamed up with animal scientists to develop “Music for Cats,” a series scientifically crafted musical tracks designed for cats’ brains and ears.
Paula Flores, global head of pet care research for Euromonitor International, provides the latest sales data, projections and trends for the global and European pet food and pet care markets. She has published articles in magazines such as Petfood Industry, Pets International and Campaign Asia, and participated in the BBC Fast Track program.
Director of state-of-the-art feline-only veterinary clinic in London. Founder member of the International Society of Feline Medicine, Academy of Feline Practitioners. BVSc MANZCVS (Feline Medicine) MRCVS RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Feline Medicine ISFM Academy of Feline Practitioners
Senior scientist emeritus, he has a Ph.D. from Dartmouth College and has authored over 225 papers published in journals such as Science, Nature and Conservation Biology. He wrote the book Cat Wars: The Devastating Consequences of Cuddly Killer where he exposes the danger of outdoor cat on wildlife.